Hi Emmie, I just wanted to let you know that I adore your writing. I save your emails in my inbox, leaving them unread until I have the space to be present as I read your words. They feel so soft, gentle, beautiful, genuine, insightful. Like the juiciest exhale. Your instagram content is just as exquisite. Thank you for sharing your true self, you are making an incredible impact! I really just wanted to reflect to you how you make me, and I'm sure *many* others feel.
Every time you pop in my inbox, I feel this wave of gratitude. The sense of „AMEN!“ after every single bit of your words, your magic! This newsletter was all I had to read this morning. Raw, lovely and vulnerable ♥️ A beautiful reminder and a bridge to what feels yummm to me! THANK YOU!♥️
I sooooo adore reading your newsletters Emmie. You make me laugh so much!!