Emmie Rae is a writer, poet and the founder of The Daily Rest Studio, an online membership for doing hard things, gently.

Part salon, part teahouse, part yoga studio and part educational platform, The Daily Rest Studio teaches women to breathe life into their dreams by finding the courage to slow down, to rest first and to show up as who you already are through a library of practices and live workshops to soften and strengthen, to immerse in Soft Business, Celestial Seasons, Sensuality & so much more…

After graduating from the University of Technology Sydney with a Bachelors Degree in Writing and Cultural Studies, Emmie wrote and published poetry online and in literary journals, winning an Express Media award in 2014 for her poem I am my own person, standing on the concrete by a family of fallen plants and hosting poetry nights for ‘people who hate poetry.’

In 2015, disillusions and exhausted by the ‘normal’ working world, she began teaching yoga full time. Over the next seven years introduced the practice of Restorative Yoga and Deep Rest to multiple studios across Sydney, Australia, teaching classes and hosting workshops, trainings and retreats both locally and internationally.

Emmie is deeply committed to her ongoing study and practice. Her world is influenced by inner and outer rhythms, the seasons, and the ability to see beauty, even in the darkest moments. The themes that underpin her work include women’s own acceptance, strength and belonging, developing self trust in your own unique path and learning to live at the pace of the body instead of societal expectations and the mind.

The best way to connect with Emmie’s work is through the thriving, yet intimate community of The Daily Rest Studio.

You can also join on Retreats & Trainings in Japan, take a deep exhale in the world of Soft Business, study together in community with women from all over the world, or read her long-form personal essays on her best-selling substack, The Deep Rest Salon.

Emmie currently lives Tokyo, Japan and spends most of her free time falling deeper and deeper in love with her soul home.



A Stand Out Life - Changing Our Relationship with Rest

The Rainbo Podcast - Soft Business Strategies & The Philosophy of Rest

The Re-Worlding Podcast - Soft Business for the Sensitives

A Radiant Life - Deep Rest, Creating in the Void & Gentle Business

The North Star - Deep Rest & Human Design