Just Write
A Ten Week Course for Writers (even the ones who think they’re not).
Coming Soon
Maybe, you love to write but feel a little lonely in the process of it all. Maybe, you’re interested in sharing your story (but afraid to say so). Maybe you’re hungry to connect with a new community of people who see the world in a similarly weird light to your own.
Maybe, you have so much to share but the fear of what people will think makes you freeze. Maybe, you’ve experienced how transformative journalling can be (or so you’ve heard!) and want to explore this whole written word thing a little more. Maybe you love writing and want to prioritise it, get better at it, pour into it even more. Maybe you need a writing cheerleader (hi, thats me! and everyone else in the course).
Just Write, is for anyone who feels called. Words connect, heal and transform. And we all have a lifetime of stories to share. Even if you’re not yet sure you want to share them at all.
Just Write is ten week writing course and mentoring group. Support, accountability, motivation and community connection. Learn how write more, write better, build confidence and finally start to acknowledge yourself as the writer and storyteller you already are.
Maybe, you’re someone like me. Practically born with a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other, unable to remember a time when you weren’t jotting things down, attempting to thread stories out of the fabric of your life or desperately trying to emulate the ones you spend all your free time consuming.
Maybe you really know, deep down, you’re for sure the next Joan Didion or Instagram poetry star, but struggle to find the time to write, to finish your work, or feel constantly defeated by putting it out into the world and hearing nothing in return.
Maybe, you’ve never considered yourself a writer. You hardly pick up a book. You shudder at the thought of writing something long form, but you have a business (or hope for one in the future) and you know writing is going to be a part of your expansion plan.
Maybe you don’t even know why you’re here. You’re curious but have no idea what to write about, if anyone would even care and wonder how or where to get ‘ideas’.
Just Write
Workshop: Writing Therapeutics
While not a replacement for an actual therapist: writing is therapy. We start our time together anchoring into writing as a therapeutic practice (this is why it’s so hard!) whether you’re writing a text message you’re afraid to send, a lovesick epic poem or website copy, writing is one of the most powerful ways to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, and our world.
Workshop: Writing Online
A practical one. Email Newsletters and why you should have one as a writer. Everything I’ve learnt building a best selling substack so far. Craft emails people cannot wait to read, build community, intimacy and find your own flow and consistency without rigidity. We’ll also get into editing, and how to craft great emails / personal essays without falling into a perfectionism hole.
Workshop: Writing Online II
Writing for social media. How to let go of what you think the algorithm wants, stop focusing on numbers, engagement and what other people think. Shift from thinking about social media as a place to receive validation and instead a opportunity to build a portfolio, to attract your people and build a constellation of what it means to be / work with / experience life as you.
Workshop: Writing Like You
How to learn from others without being overly influenced and losing your unique voice. What does it even mean or look like to find your unique voice? How to move through ‘writer’s block’, actually finish your work and know when the right time is to share it with the world. Important steps in continually improving as a writer, moving through writer’s block and always having something to write about.
Workshop: Writing For Your Business / Work / Life !
How to write for your business / offering or creative work. How share your story, write an about me, website copy or simply make friends online through your written words. Explore writing to sell without being sale-sy, awkward or embarrassed - writing not to prove, but to bring your people closer toward you! Never underestimate the healing power of a well written text, note or birthday card.
Writing Circles / Office Hours
We will have four writing circles / office hours throughout this course. These are 90-120min in length and function as a combination of additional workshops (themes decided based on what the group is craving to learn more about / where everyone is needing support), Q&A and open sharing space. This is the really powerful part!
In our last week, we will have an ‘open mic’ - just for fun! You do not have to read anything, but this will be a space to share for those who are called.
A Writer’s Cocoon
Bonus Workshop
Writing rituals and energetics.
Let’s talk all things writing, human design and mercury signs. Creating space (both environmentally and emotionally) and keeping the emotional, mental and physical body supported when pouring time into your writing work.
The Schedule
2025 Dates Coming Soon !
Full schedule will be uploaded in the member portal before we begin.
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
Live classes will on be Tuesdays, alternating between 11am & 7pm Sydney AEDT. Our courses always have people from all over the world and after running these courses for many years and experimenting with many different times, these slots ensure that most people can join at least some classes live.
The beauty of the online world is we can study with and learn from people all over the world - from the comfort of our own homes! Over the years I’ve received wonderful feedback from people who have participated in the whole course from the recordings and benefited greatly! You have access to the recordings for a year, making it a great option if you don’t have a fixed schedule, you’re time poor or simply not sure if you can make it on the assigned days until the time comes!
While I have always felt perhaps (too) confident with the term, a lot of people don’t. When I used to run poetry reading nights (a lot less lame than it sounds!) every time without fail, the best pieces, the loudest laughs, the stories that made everyone cry were written by people who had to be convinced - and didn’t believe themselves to be writers at all. It is our innate nature to be storytellers, if you’re drawn to explore the written word in more depth, I guarantee there is something here for you.
The focus of this course is writing for YOU. Yes, we will have some discussions that do cross over into business, but they can be applied to work and personal life too - think of all the ways we communicate everyday through the written word! There really is so much to learn from this course without ever sharing your work ‘officially’ with the world!
Because if I know anything, it’s the writing. I’ve been sharing my writing online for more than fifteen years and it is the reason why I have the life and the business I have today. You can watch the video above, or read the intro page on my substack to learn more.
I honestly don’t know - I hope so! But likely not in the exact same way, and not at this price point.