five traits of highly sensitive people, in business

Do you recognise any of these?

ONE. Instead of turning your gaze outward when people can’t find your work, instead of interrogating the platforms and systems and has-to’s, you simply blame yourself for not being good enough.

TWO. Because of your ability to feel into the external, it’s easy to become distracted from committing to YOUR work (the stuff the rest of us really, really need) and end up creating what you ‘think’ the world or your audience wants.

THREE. It feels safer to hide in doing it the ‘expected’ way, rather than to feel the discomfort and judgement of others when doing things differently. You think, who the fuck am I to go against the expected? What could I possibly know? If they think I’m wrong, they’re probably right.

FOUR. Boundaries. It’s an actual struggle to say no. You want to give everything away for free, especially when someone tells you they’re hurting. You always give more. You spend hours answering personal questions on DMs and emails, because you ‘just love to help’… aaaand then wonder why you’re tired or no one makes a paid booking.

FIVE. Success can feel overwhelming. You fall into guilt for having more. You feel bad for creating a beautiful life when others have not.

Yes? One? Two? The whole damn list? You probably fall somewhere on the highly sensitive spectrum.

There are more challenges for sensitive people in business, for sure. BUT, in my opinion, and my experience: this is the role we are born for.

We are highly sensitive for a reason. It is not by accident.

It is not wrong to need more time alone, to move at what seems like a snails pace, to feel done after a four hour work day.

To be so attuned to the waves of the world and the people in it, you sometimes feel lost at sea.

In many ways, I don’t think we have a choice but to create our own pace, our own hours, our own sacred cocoon to work from.

But if you’re anything like me, following the standard business how-to’s feels like wearing a suit half a size too small. It doesn’t fit, you don’t even like suits in the first place, and yet, you blame yourself for not being not *insert a million reasons here* enough to make it work.

Navigating the current of self employment intuitively has changed my entire existence for the good. I’ve gone from undervalued, under appreciated, underpaid, anxious, crying in the bathrooms on the regular and feeling deeply mistreated, to falling asleep at night, excited to wake up and get started again the next day.

AND YET — it takes constant, daily reminders, practices and support to remember: doing this differently does not make me wrong.

This is why Sophie and I created The Capsule.

The Capsule is a month of Masterclasses created to set a foundation for anyone who wants to move in the direction of creating support through your art, your insights, your passions, your voice, your work.

One Generator, one Projector. Very different energy, very different output, two very different trees growing from the same soil, who have grown taller, brighter and wider from mutual support.

The Capsule is reminder of why your sensitivity matters.

It’s living proof that you’re not alone. '

It’s a guide to building a community, an income, a lifestyle that actually fits.

Like taking off your bra and slipping in to your favourite knit.

We can’t wait to dive in :)

See you there xo


Notes on Sensuality


POEM | I am my own person…