Pause, But Don’t Quit

Doing a little solstice dreaming of Next Big Things (because apparently moving to another country solo and establishing a company in whole other language wasn’t enough)(I teach rest because I am insane, if you didn’t know) and reflecting on the path here so far.

Because so many of you said you needed the reminder: this is a screenshot of The Daily Rest instagram account in September 2018, with 12 whole followers in tow.

The photos are from an online membership I created that year while working full time teaching classes and managing yoga studios called Club Rest. The bones of it are much the same as the studio today, except back then, not nearly enough people joined to cover the costs of hosting it, so I closed it down quietly and focused on teaching in person until The Daily Rest Studio was born, kinda by accident in 2021.

There truly is no magic hack or formula when it comes to business. I think, maybe, you just need to be a little bit crazy, willing to take risks and be judged. You also need to keep going. Pause, but not give up.

Nothing I have ever done has sold out immediately. I’ve never had waitlists of thousands of people. Nothing has ever been an instant success, grown fast or moved in a steady, measurable incline.

And yet, my business has supported me all these years. Yes I could have more. But I also have way more than enough.

My business is the reason I was given a visa to live in Tokyo. That moment was so wild for me, seeing the stamp in my passport. I built this. The Daily Rest brought me here. Wtf.

While there are moments of doubt (anyone else question their entire existence in that deep luteal phase?!) I genuinely, deeply trust myself, trust for me that this slow, unsteady, unimpressive unfolding is my way. It’s not sexy, but it works.

Rest first, make a new, mind bendingly difficult (yet very exciting) plan second, then rest again ☁️☁️☁️

Anyway! I promise you - your way is okay! It doesn’t always work out the first time! Or the tenth! No one has it figured out! Keep going and keep resting and keep being you and thank you for being here too :)


How I Journal